

Tabarak Company for Internal Goods Transport is a company specializing in goods transportation services within the country. The company provides comprehensive services for transporting goods from one city to another within the country. Tabarak Company’s services for transporting internal goods include the following: Land freight: The company has a fleet of well-equipped trucks to transport goods via land roads. Goods are carefully handled to ensure they arrive safely and in good condition at their designated destination. Logistics Services: The company provides comprehensive logistics solutions to meet customer needs. These services include temporary warehousing, inventory management, and internal distribution of goods. Safe packaging and packaging: The company provides safe packaging and packaging services for goods. Proper packaging materials are used to ensure that the goods are protected during the transportation process. Cargo insurance: The company is concerned with the safety of shipments and provides cargo insurance services to protect them from any losses or damages during internal transportation. Tracking and Monitoring: The company provides tracking and monitoring services for goods during internal transportation, allowing customers to follow the location and status of their shipments in real time. Tabarak Company for Internal Goods Transport always strives to provide high-quality services in accordance with customer requirements. You can contact them for more information about their services, including cost, schedule and routes available within the country

دبابة نص نقل

فوزن شيفروليه الدبابة بكامل الحمولة 2700 كجم واتساع صندوقها الخلفي ( طول 2300 مم*عرض 1700 مم*ارتفاع 380 مم) مما يساعدك على العمل في مختلف المجالات.

دبابة نص نقل

فوزن شيفروليه الدبابة بكامل الحمولة 2700 كجم واتساع صندوقها الخلفي ( طول 2300 مم*عرض 1700 مم*ارتفاع 380 مم) مما يساعدك على العمل في مختلف المجالات.


محرك 4 سلندر ، 4570 سي سي ، محرك بقوة 121 حصان ، حقن مباشر لوقود الديزل

الدبابة ربع نقل

شيفروليه الدبابة الفئة ت مانيوال / بيز لاين 2024


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جامبو صندوق

- 12 مترا كحد أقصى بالنسبة للشاحنة المنفردة. - 17 مترا كحد أقصى للشاحنة مع شبه المقطورة. - 20 مترا كحد أقصى للشاحنة مع المقطورة.